My Favorite Person
My Favorite Person
A movement theater piece
Directed by Polina Ionina
Assistant Director and Stage Design: Veronika Vozniak
Devised by the ensemble
Featuring: Tana Sirois and David Glover
Sound Design: Polina Ionina
Primary Music Composer: Tyler Agnew
First Bathtub Sequence and Lip To Lip Kissing Sequence Composed by: Luke Bergstedt.
Angsty Bathtub Sequence Composed by: Anaïs Maviel
Music/Voices: Bri Chess, David Glover, Tana Sirois, Luke Bergstedt, Anais Maviel (Bath sequence sound and voice), Oliver Renaud, Helen Foster, Jolanta Wozniak, Whit Hertford, Polina Ionina, Rand Faris, Irina Ionina, Rosalee DeHuff, Sarah Heywood, Akmal Rakhimov, Max Mahar, Vanessa Hopkins-Glover, Elizabeth Hopkins.
***all recorded voices are a collection from close family, and friends responding to what they believe love is, what they believe self love is, and what they believe beauty is.***
My Favorite Person is a two person theater movement piece exploring relationship dynamics between two people using space, shape, and sound. In this piece we looks at cyclical, performative, perhaps even manipulative patterns that develop knowingly or instinctively during a partnership. We start at the beginning of the end. A couple shares an abstract liminal space--the confines of an apartment, where everything seems to be out of place. The subjects too seem to be out of place, though they cling to routine and seek to rekindle their love. Is it love for the other, or for the self that they are looking for?
“My Favorite Person is a piece born out of love, out of loss, out of curiosity. It is a collage of emotions, images and movements. I am extremely grateful to my team for following me into this cold pool of bathwater. I am extremely grateful to everyone in our lives who had contributed to the piece with their voice, with their music, with their support—family, chosen family, friends, lovers. This piece could not have been done without truly digging into the self, looking inward, and excavating memories and emotions. This process has been beautiful, and in parts scary, mostly because it is frightening to go there. But we must go there eventually, mustn’t we?”
My Favorite Person Merch
My Favorite Person Merch
We’ve created beautiful, high-quality
t-shirts and hoodies.